Campaign Monitor


FEATURE: EEO Process Flow – The EEO Toolset and EEO Noesis Portal

This article provides suggestions for stepping through a mid-size EEO project using many of the tools at your disposal as a current EEO Program Certified professional. Read More »

BLOG: Are You There?

Give us your feedback!! Let us know your successes and what made the difference, or what can be improved.  Read More »

Interested in learning more about the EEO Program and the many benefits it brings? Download the brochure here »

BLOG: EEO Login and EEO Toolset License Key

Not sure if you have current access to the website or a valid EEO Toolset License Key? Reply back and let us know! Read More »
Upcoming webinar! Join us for an EEO + Noesis Portal Introduction. The next session is on April 22nd at 2pm CDT. Following classes will occur on the 4th Wednesday of every month through August. Click here to register »

BLOG: The Habit of Devaluing Our Time

So, when is the right time to do an audit? Don't even think about it until your customer/prospect has acknowledged that they are: one, interested in finding out if there is a savings project in their building AND two, they understand that financing is an option to help them avoid out of pocket costs for a project. You should also establish basic energy benchmarking for the facility prior to investing time in the audit.  Read More »
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March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014

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Honeywell International Inc., and its EEO program, and Noesis Energy are unaffiliated companies and neither company sponsors or is responsible for acts of the other party.

© 2015, Honeywell International, Inc.